Mutamassik a.k.a. Giulia Loli is a producer, musician, visual artist, synesthete : Sa'aidi Buttafuoco on a Glandular level
Plosive Polyrhythmic Instinct Deep Cut with Ancient Future Inscriptions fashioned by Hand --Unfashionably--Beveled Metal Revealing Wood Grain Anima(l). Proof of origin.
Purposeful Anachronism for New dance. New spirituals.
She founded Sa'aidi Hardcore Productions in Brooklyn, N.Y. in 1996 and publishing/label KMT BBB USA. She runs her studio G.G.S.S/Rocca AlMileda which has been set up as both fixed and mobile in Brooklyn, Cairo & Tuscany.
...has worked with David Byrne's Luaka Bop, Arto Lindsay, Musicians of the Nile, Ikue Mori, Marc Ribot, Butch Morris, Greg Tate, Elliott Sharp, Bachir Attar, Kaffe Matthews, Fathy Salama, George Lewis, Leroy Jenkins, Hamid Drake, etc.
Born in a speeding vehicle around an Etruscan tomb>>> Raised in the Rustbelt of America (Steubenville OH, WV & Pittsburgh PA)>>> Cut Teeth in N.Y.C.>>> Lived in Cairo>>> After making Beats and Art in a Cave surrounded by Volcanoes in Tuscany, now based in Amsterdam.